Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Quick Introduction

So you've come across a blog, eh? Was it because I told you to? No, you wanted to be here. Just look at this otter.

This is a mental vomit ground. Tread carefully! It's going to be acidic at times, and that sticky thing you just got on your shoe? Well... that's not gum... but we have things to scrape with down here, so it's going to be okay! Just hold on to your map.

Oh. There's not a map. Right.

Well, in that case, I'd like to direct you to the following signage:

Doomed are those who enter here! All hope is lost!

Not that signage. Ignore that. The other one.

This is Tom and Monica's domain. We fill lexical holes. You will be lexiplugged.

Right! Now we're on the right track. Not that the above paragraph tells you much about where you are, or what you're doing here, but at least tells you something.

"What is that something?" you ask.

... I'm kind of shocked you're not wondering "Where's the otter?"... but okay. Here's a bit about us:

 - We're professional lexipluggers. We fill lexical holes Webster himself dared not to go into.
 - We accomplish things when we get together, and we're not really sure why. Like gambulating frittenatiously and hula hooping in crazy outfits. These things just happen... and they produce really awesome stories.
 - We don't take kindly to strangers who aren't comfortable with the fact that we're stranger.
 - We, on occasion, fondle plants. (It's a healthy obsession)
 - We love animation dubstep.

I leave you with a small note, perhaps to bring you some joy this morning.

There wasn't any otter. I'm really sorry. I couldn't get the rights. But I like otters! Honest!
 I've heard from George Takei they hold hands while they sleep!

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